2021 Little Miss & Little Princess Franklin County
Queen Committee: Chairman, Jill Burmester, Caleigh Chipp
Little Miss Franklin County contestant nominations must be turned in to the fair office, emailed or postmarked by July 1, 2021. Mail nominations to: Franklin County Fair – PO Box 442 – Hampton IA 50441 or email fcfair35@yahoo.com
- A Little Miss or Little Princess Franklin County must reside in Franklin County or if living in an adjoining county, must have the majority if her activities in Franklin County.
- Contestants must be 5-9 years old. Little Miss will be selected from the nominees that are 5-7 years old. Little Princess will be selected from the nominees that are 8-9 years old.
- The nominees will ride on the “Future Fair Queen” Float in the Franklin County Fair Parade on Tuesday, July 13 at 5:00.
- Judging will take place on Thursday, July 15, 20121 at 3:00 p.m. at the Van Wall Equipment Tent, Franklin County Fairgrounds.
- Judging criteria will be stage presence, personality and answered questions.
- The judging panel will consist of a county fair queen and two individuals from outside Franklin County.
- The winners of the Little Miss & Little Princess Franklin County contest will be crowned on Thursday, July 15, 2021 at 3:00 p.m. prior to the Franklin County Fair Queen Coronation. The 2021 Little Miss & Little Princess will spend an afternoon with the 2021 Franklin County Fair Queen. She will receive a tiara donated by the Franklin County Fair Board, a bouquet donated by Carol’s Flower House and a necklace donated by Christensen Jewelry.
- The Franklin County Fair Queen Committee reserves the right to change and interpret the foregoing rules and regulations at any time as may deem necessary.